Work Experience

My Work Experience Week with AdaptTech

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By Adapt Tech

My work experience week has been fantastic as Adapt Tech have allowed me to come into their business and try my hand at a range of different roles from marketing to going out in the workshop and helping with orders out on the work shop with the engineers, which has been extremely useful and exciting as I had come into this work experience in the hope that it would give me an indication of what I want to do in the future.

I have spent time with different members of the team to see what their specific role is in the business and got an idea for how they operate day in day out. I particularly enjoyed partaking in tasks in the workshop as it gave me some hands on experience which to be honest I have never experienced before, and told me that it is something that I do enjoy. Furthermore, working in the office showed me how much work goes into processing orders and getting it ready to be sent out onto the workshop and how many different things happen before you get something you ordered.